By investing in our community, your sponsorship fuels education, mentorship, and opportunities that inspire young minds and nurture future innovators
Logo printed on the badge, Lanyard and lead logo placed on sponsorship page as Diamond sponsors
LinkedIn and Twitter Shout Outs featuring your brand/Logo and during Seasides and periodic posts.
Logo printed on all promotional materials (standees) which will be displayed at event venues
Standee with the company logo to be kept at the venue
Acknowledgement/Thank You in Seasides materials developed for the conference.
Periodic tweets thanking the sponsors
Logo placed on sponsorship page as Platinum sponsors
LinkedIn and Twitter Shout Outs featuring your brand/Logo and during Seasides and periodic posts.
Logo printed on all promotional materials (standees) which will be displayed at event venues
Standee with the company logo to be kept at the venue
Periodic tweets thanking the sponsors
Company logo featured sponsorship page as Gold sponsors
LinkedIn and Twitter Shout Outs featuring your brand/Logo and during Seasides and periodic posts.
Logo printed on all promotional materials (standees) which will be displayed at event venues
Standee with the company logo to be kept at the venue
Periodic tweets thanking the sponsors (can discard – repetitive)
Credit as Food and Beverage sponsors for each day, announced at the venues
Company logo featured on sponsors pages
LinkedIn and Twitter shoutout featuring your brand/Logo
Sponsor recognition and acknowledgement featured at the venue
By investing in our community, your sponsorship fuels education, mentorship, and opportunities that inspire young minds and nurture future innovators
By investing in our community, your sponsorship fuels education, mentorship, and opportunities that inspire young minds and nurture future innovators
Credit as Evening snacks sponsors, announced at the venue
Company logo featured on Seasides’ Sponsors page
LinkedIn and Twitter shoutout featuring your brand/Logo
Standee with the company logo to be kept at the venue
Sponsor recognition and acknowledgement at the venue
Company logo featured on Seasides’ Sponsors page
LinkedIn and Twitter Shout Outs featuring your brand/Logo and during Seasides and periodic posts.
Sponsor recognition and acknowledgement at the venue
As special supporter we will send thankyou tweets and Mention at the event