Setu Parimi
Co-Founder & CTO - RiskProfiler.io
From scripting automations for Orkut scrapes, crafting phishing sites, rooting servers, stepping into bug bounty to architecting advanced application and cloud security patterns for industry giants like Time Inc, C&F, HSBC, Amazon, Barclays, Credit Suisse, Santander, and Vodafone - my fascination with cybersecurity grew.
But, here's a twist. My journey wasn't just confined to corporate cubicles. I ventured into the wild terrains of the entrepreneurship, building RiskProfiler.io from scratch to tackle external cybersecurity threats for an organization. RiskProfiler is an unified platform for managing your Third-Party Risk, Attack Surface Management, and Automated Vendor Questionnaire Assessments mapped into a security graph.
Today, as its CTO, I don't just wear a title. I immerse myself in every aspect — from tech intricacies, exhilarating customer demos, cutting-edge research, to devising product strategies. Sprint planning, ensuring customer success, and even diving into heaps of documentation - yes, my role is that of a glorified CTO. But in the dynamic world of startups, every responsibility embraced is a step closer to success.
Outside these duties, my commitment to the community remains unwavering. Whether it's sharing insights at DEF CON, BlackHat, SeaSides, contributing to open-source initiatives, or mentoring the next-gen cybersecurity enthusiasts — I'm all in.
Now, let me share a secret. I've never climbed Kanchenjunga. But I've scaled mountains of challenges, faced the biting cold of skepticism, and trudged through valleys of doubt. I’ve been tempted to quit, to give up when the journey seemed treacherous. But perseverance is my second name. Whether it's a real mountain or a metaphorical one, when I say I'll conquer it, believe me, I will.
So, as I extend my hand, inviting you to be a part of my narrative, remember this: in the world of cybersecurity and life, I don't just face challenges – I embrace them, conquer them, and make history.
09:00 - 1:00 PM Workshop
Friday 21st Feb
Securing the Perimeter: Modern Approaches to External Threat Management