Toni de la Fuente
Creator & CEO - Prowler
I'm creator of Prowler and CEO, we build one of the most popular Open Source tools for Cloud Security. I also worked for AWS as a senior security engineer and a security consultant. I'm passionate about FLOSS (Free Libre Open Source Software) in general and Information Security, Incident Response and Digital Forensics in particular. I like everything related to cloud computing and automation.
My blog is blyx.com, where I write from time to time. During this time I have done some things for security and the Open Source community like Prowler, phpRADmin, Nagios plugin for Alfresco, Alfresco BART (backup tool), Alfresco Backup and Disaster Recovery White Paper, Alfresco Security Best Practices Guide, Alfresco data leak prevention tools, and some others.
I have talked in many conferences around the world, among others, in the last years: BlackHat, DEFCON, SANS Cloud Security Summit, OWASP Atlanta, BSides Augusta, BSides Vegas and RootedCon.
09:00 - 5:00 PM Workshop
Friday 21st Feb
Open Source Multi-Cloud Security with Prowler: a practitioner perspective